Shodo, Japanese calligraphy is a form of Zen meditation.
It is the practice to be in the moment with no thought and desire, a state of Mushin (‘no mind’).
There are three points to follow when practising both meditation and Japanese calligraphy
THE BODY: Straighten your spine and pelvis and imagine the crown of your head being pulled up gently. Open your chest and let your arms hang lightly. Relax your shoulders, bring in your chin and drop your gaze as seen in the images of the Buddha.
THE BREATH: Close your mouth naturally and breath from your abdomen slowly and rhythmically. Focus your awareness on the inner part of the lower abdomen just beneath the navel, the centre of your abdominal region.
THE MIND: When the body and breath are aligned as described above, your mind will become calm spontaneously. Don’t use thoughts to try and calm your mind. Just let go of any attachments and it will happen automatically.
In Japanese calligraphy, the study and imitation of great calligraphic works of the Masters are one of the most important practice. When writing, get rid of any desire to write well, drop all habits that block your real self and open up to the state of ‘no-mind’.
Even if thoughts crop up or you are unable to write well, accept it as the natural way and let go.
If there are distractions around you(or in your life) either externally or internally, simply keep your focus in the present moment, on the stroke. This is the same training as Zen.
In so doing, you will realise that a spirit resides in the characters. You will start to become aware of the pressure, speed, breath and feelings of the writer at that time.
This is the start of the true practice of Japanese calligraphy, ‘Shodo’, a practice that lasts a lifetime.